Sunday, April 10, 2011

Denver Lists Over $300 in Unpaid Taxes

The city of Denver has a list of people who they say have not paid their city taxes. Councilman Gareth Summa provided the following list of people with delinquent taxes to the Sheridan Express with the amount owed: Kim Black, $38.06; Slade Bagel, $67.97; John Hargrave, $25.33; Scott Henry, $2.09; John Kenny, $205.07; and Jessie Fletchall, $83.46.

The gravel has been spread over the streets of Denver. There have been complaints about the size of the gravel, but Summa said that it will break up into smaller sizes. The city will try and put on some more later in the year. They ordered three loads of emergency gravel from the county for the road from Route M to the Post Office and one for the road around the Christan Church.

The city awarded the bid to mow the park to J.C. Parman; they will pay him $200 in advance and the other $200 in July.

The city is in the process of putting in the posts for the sign and will use Great Plains Locating to locate buried cables for the signs.

The next meeting will be held May 7th at the Denver Schoolhouse.

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