Monday, February 24, 2025

Roger Johnson Resigns as North Nodaway High School Principal

The North Nodaway School Board accepted the resignation of High School Principal Roger Johnson, effective at the end of the current school year.

The board also voted to accept the resignation of Adam James as a bus driver, effective February 14th. The board voted to approve Jerald Everhart as a morning bus driver for the remainder of the school year. The board voted to approve Barrett Lodge as the assistant Baseball Coach under Cody Bix.

The board voted to approve Orlo T. Simmons, Ashley Marriott, Hope Reeves, and Marie Stone to the substitute teacher list.

The board approved the new school calendar for the upcoming school year. School will begin on August 20th. The Thanksgiving Break will be November 26th to 28th. The Christmas Break will be from December 22nd to January 5th. Spring Break will be from April 9th to 13th. The final day of school will be May 19th. Graduation will be May 17th.

Elementary Principal Heather Townsend reported that the PTO Change Wars raised $840.92. The fifth grade won by raising $252.80.

Teachers Audrey Trimble, Sami Jackson, Cody Jenkins, Beth Pedersen, Jake Hoy, and Townsend went to the Powerful Learning Conference at Tan-Tar-A and took away a lot of new information regarding effective data teams.

High School Principal Roger Johnson reported that the school was planning for its Academic Showcase which will be held on March 12th from 5 pm. Students are also getting ready for testing. Johnson and Townsend participated in mock interviews at Northwest on January 29th.

Superintendent Chris Turpin reported that the school was working on salary proposals for the board to review for next year.  He estimated that meeting the minimum baseline salary of $40,000 and the 10 year Master’s salary requirement of $46,000 a year could cost the district between $90,000 to $120,000 for certified staff.

Turpin reported that the City of Pickering approved him writing a grant for a new community sign, which would be worth at least $56,000.

The school will have bus inspections on March 13th.

The legislature is pushing House Bill 711, allowing open enrollment. There are two bills that are being looked at currently. State funding continues to drop each month, and they are projecting state revenues to be lower than expected.

The school has used two of its five AMI days. If they use them, they will not have to make up any days.



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