Tuesday, February 25, 2025

March 2nd Thorough 8th is Thank a Farmer Week

March 2nd through 8th will be Thank a Farmer Week.

Our changing economy illustrates how agriculture impacts our lives now more than ever. Farmers and ranchers provide the food, feed, fuel, and fiber that serves consumers in Missouri and around the globe. Thanks to Missouri farmers, consumers can also find locally sourced food and goods. Consumers around the world enjoy what our farmers and ranchers produce.

Missouri Farm Bureau and county farm bureaus throughout the state are joining forces to celebrate Thank a Farmer Week.

According to the Missouri Department of Agriculture, a 2021 study of the economic concentration of Missouri agriculture and forestry showed that agriculture is a $93.7 billion industry. It employs almost 460,000 people. The state is ranked in the top 10 for 12 commodities, including number of farms, goats, beef cattle, poultry, hay, rice, and cotton.

With all that they produce, farm and ranch families account for less than 2% of the US population. Across the US, there are 2 million farms with 3.4 million farm operators. This number includes owners, their families, hired workers, tenants, renters, and sharecroppers. Many farms today find multiple generations working together to produce food and fiber.

“Agriculture is important to our daily lives. Because 98% of the population doesn’t farm, it is easy to take for granted the importance of our farmers,” said Julie Tracy, Promotion and Education Chairperson. “Thank a Farmer Week is a great time to recognize the important contributions made by farmers.


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