Friday, December 18, 2020

Worth County School Board Declines to Extend Mask Mandate

The Worth County R-III Board of Education on a met Thursday, December 17 for the purpose of conducting the regular business of the board.  President Patricia Warner called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  Only six members were present. 

On a 3-3 split vote, the board failed to extend the mask requirement for students and staff members.  Warner stated, “We hope that students and staff will continue to practice good hand hygiene and social distancing.  When social distancing is not possible, we are strongly encouraging students and staff to continue to wear a mask.”  

Because the district no longer will require students and staff members to wear masks students or staff, who are identified as close contacts will have to quarantine for 14 days.  Staff members are considered essential workers and may continue to work as long as they wear a mask and self-monitor for symptoms during their work time and quarantine at home when not at work.

The board did pass a resolution that would allow staff members some additional days of leave for use if they have to take off work because of  having COVID or caring for someone with COVID.  “We needed to pass this resolution just in case Congress cannot get an extension to the relief offered under the CARES ACT,” Dr. Matthew Martz, superintendent commented.  “There are a few differences between this resolution and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The main difference is that staff members must use 3 days of paid or unpaid leave before the COVID leave would start.”

Additionally, the board discussed options for replacing the tiles throughout the elementary and the high school.  April Healy, business teacher, presented information that she collected for the replacing approximately 26,000 square feet of flooring.  The project will need to include the abatement of asbestos floor tiles and could cost between $150,000 and $198,000 depending on the type of flooring.  The board gave the go ahead for administration to continue with soliciting bids.

Chris Healy, activities director, presented information to the board on getting new lockers for the two locker rooms.  The board requested more information and will reconsider this topic at the January Board meeting.

Finally the board approved two substitute teacher applicants, Payton Adwell and Ashleigh Moser.

Meeting adjourned at 9:38 pm.

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