Friday, December 25, 2020

Judge Halts Montgomery Execution Again

On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Judge Randolph Moss halted the execution of Lisa Montgomery that had been scheduled for January 12th. 

Previously, Judge Moss had granted a stay of execution for Montgomery, whose attorneys contracted the Coronavirus while working on a clemency petition for President Donald Trump, citing what they say is Montgomery’s serious mental illnesses. Subsequently, the US Department of Justice scheduled the execution for January 12th, after the stay expired. However, Judge Moss ruled that the US Department of Justice could not schedule a new execution date while his stay was still in effect.

Montgomery had previously been convicted of Bobbie Jo Stinnett of Skidmore by using a rope to strangle Stinnett, who was eight months pregnant; she then allegedly cut the baby girl from out of Stinnett’s womb and attempted to pass it off as her own.

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