Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Team Julie Facebook Auction Nets $5,829

An online Facebook auction that ended Sunday, January 28th netted an estimated $5,829. The biggest sales were four Royals tickets, which went for $325, and a red Volvo, which went for $2,200. All proceeds will go to pay the medical expenses of Julie Willhite, wife of North Harrison Superintendent Dr. Todd Willhite, who was diagnosed with cancer.

Dr. Willhite posted this on the Team Julie Facebook Page on January 25th:

We just got home a couple of hours ago from MD Anderson in Houston. Julie had blood work and a CT scan done. Doctors reviewed all prior documentation. Their plan and information was similar to St. Luke's. MD Anderson is going to do further lab work on biopsy from KC, but told us to go ahead and start chemo in KC. Julie will start chemo on Friday. After 3 rounds of chemo, which will take 9 weeks, we plan to return to Houston for another scan. The hope is the cancer will shrink enough to make surgery an option after the first 3 rounds of chemo and then start 3 more rounds of chemo.
For those who are praying for us, here are some specific requests:

1. For God to be glorified
2. Julie's complete healing
3. Chemo will destroy cancer
4. Julie not have side effects from treatment
5. Surgery can happen after 3 chemo rounds

Finally, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone lifting us up in prayer, supporting us with kind words, donating time, effort, money, gifts, etc. We continue to be amazed at the outpouring of kindness. Our friends and family are AMAZING! We love you!

The next opportunity to help Team Julie will be a Half-Hog Raffle that will be held on Saturday, February 10th during the final day of the HDC Tournament. One ticket costs $5, while six tickets cost $20. Processing is included. Purchase at GFG Agriproducts in Bethany, the North Harrison School, or through the Team Julie Facebook Page. Make checks payable to Jason Gibson. Full information is here.

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