A Regular meeting was held Wednesday September 19th, 2012 at
7:00 p.m., City Hall.
Present: Mayor Roach, Aldermen: Dennis Downing, Bruce Downing,
Catherine Runde, and Cathy James. Clerk:
Ayvonne Morin, PWD: Carl Staton, Patsy Worthington, and Bridget Gibson.
Mayor Debbie Roach
called the meeting to order.
Minutes: Dennis
Downing made motion to approve the minutes as written, August 22, &
September 10th, 2012, Bruce Downing, seconded, motion carried.
Bills/Supplies: Catherine
Runde made motion to approve the list of bills/supplies, Bruce Downing,
seconded, motion carried.
Developer: Tammy was absent, but submitted a report.
Mike Rennells: Wo.Co. Superintendent was present to
discuss possibility of adding another ball-
field. Mayor Roach
explained that the trail loops around where it was suggested for a new field
to be located. After discussion, it was decided it would
be too costly to have it re-engineered.
Code Enforcer: Patsy
Worthington gave report for the month.
Miller: Discussion on flushing hydrants and lines. It was decided a
two day notice be given to the clerks so they can
properly notify customers,
and only on
weekends or after hours. Mr. Miller came
in late to the meeting. The
board discussed the problems with the water, odor and
taste. Mr. Miller stated he
has been in contact with Middlefork about the problem and
they are working
on it. The flushing has helped some, but some can still
detect the odor and taste.
Discussion on using purchase orders. After discussion,
Bruce Downing made motion
for all departments to use purchase orders, Catherine
Runde, seconded, motion carried.
Clerk instructed to notify vendors.
Board approved fixing certain water leaks if the city is accruing
the loss, and meters will be placed
at the property line.
Contract/Bill# 82212 Ordinance #3664: Alderman Runde read by title “An
Ordinance to
Approve a contract with Middle Fork Water company, for
the purchasing of water. Cathy James
Made motion to approve Bill# 82212 Ordinance # 3664,
Catherine Runde seconded, motion carried,
All voted yea
USDA Water
Regulations/Bill# 91912 Ordinance # 3665: Alderman James read by title “An
Ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the operation of the water
supply system and repealing sections 700.030a., 700.070, 700.080, 700.120,
700.130 B. and C., and 700.250.”
Cathy James made motion to approve Bill#91912
Ordinance#3665, Catherine Runde, seconded, motion carried. Clerk called for a
roll call vote, Aldermen: Cathy James-yea Dennis Downing-yea Bruce Downing-yea,
and Catherine Runde-yea. 4-0
Project/Park: Alderman James to inquire about a pool lift. Clerk to submit
for bids, as
soon as she receives the specs. Two more security cameras
will be installed at the pool/park.
Reports of driving on the trails and other issues have
been received. These new cameras will
give a wider viewing area of the pool and the park.
Mayor called for a
5 minute break at 8:35 p.m.
Mayor called
meeting back to order at 8: 42 p.m.
Pipe/Park: City
received only one bid for $1,029.00 from Mo. Steel & Hose. Catherine Runde
made motion to approve the bid from Mo. Steel & Hose, Cathy James,
seconded, motion carried.
PWD: Carl
Staton gave progress report for the month as follows: paver repair, checking
tubes, water leaks, meters, mowing. Mr. Staton suggested ordering a load of
cold patch for some repairs on
potholes. Catherine Runde made motion for $800.00 for
cold patch, Cathy James, seconded, motion carried. Mr. Staton stated the city
will be repairing the road west of the new Casey’s store. This will
be on a cost share with Casey’s.
The city would like to move equipment in to the old fire
station building by the end of October.
Mayor to notify them, that they should have all their
items moved out by that date.
Building Permits:
No permits
Alderman James gave report on the pool. Alderman
Runde gave report on the gas department. Fall clean-up will be September 29th,
Next tentative meeting date October 17th,
The city has received several complaints about dogs. Some
residents have expressed several
alternative measures to resolve the problem. Dog owners
should be considerate of
their neighbors and keep their animals contained on their
property. Another complaint,
has been constantly barking. I don’t think the owners
realize or care how that has
become a nuisance for their neighbors. The city will consider hiring out to another
company for animal control for strays or any dog that may
be running loose.
Cathy James made motion to adjourn and go into closed
session, Catherine Runde, seconded,
Motion carried. Pursuant to 610-021(3) employees. Meeting
adjourned 9:30 p.m.
Closed session:
Employee Issue
Dennis Downing made motion to adjourn closed session and
re-open regular meeting, Cathy James, seconded, motion carried.
Mayor called
meeting back to order.
Personnel Policy:
Add to personnel manual: Medical Insurance: When an employee is off work due to
a non-work related injury or illness; the city will continue medical coverage
with the following conditions:
Employee has been employed at least 12 months, exhausted
all sick-time, comp/vacation; the City will
pay monthly medical premium payments up to six (6) months
as long as the employee pays their part of
the premium and the employee returns to work before or by
then of the 6 month period. If employee
fails to pay their part of the monthly premium payment by
the due date, the medical insurance will be
terminated and/or if the employee has not returned to
work by the end of the 6 month period. Employee cannot return to work without a
doctor’s release for full-time duties.
Cathy James made motion to approve the medical insurance
policy, Catherine Runde, seconded,
motion carried.
Bruce Downing made motion to adjourn meeting, Dennis
Downing, seconded, motion carried,
meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
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