Monday, September 17, 2012

County Commission Lifts Burn Ban

Presiding Commissioner Findley called the meeting to order at 9:14 am Monday, September 10th.
Commissioner Dennis Gabbert is absent today.

1.       Clerk Roberta Owens presented the commissioners with various paperwork items.
2.       Commissioner Rob Ruckman reported the gas prices as $3.659 and diesel as $3.979  
3.       Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to approve the minutes and agenda. Commissioner Ted Findley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
4.       Treasurer Linda Brown presented the weekly balance sheet, payroll, and bills.
5.       Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to approve the bills and payroll. Commissioner Ted Findley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
6.       Pat Kobbe, County EMD stopped by to tell the Commissioners that we can stay in the county for the Emergency Drill that is being held on Oct 11th.
7.       Tammy Ueligger, Economic Developer report: Tammy brought information on the wood chipper grant that she is applying for. She wanted the commissioner to consider hiring a full or part time person to run the chipper as it would help with getting the grant.  The grant is a 80%-20% match, with a $19,000 maximum.
The Northwest Regional Council of Governments is holding a recycling challenge for schools. She is also working on making up a Bounty Basket for hunters coming to the area to let them know what all Worth County has to offer.

8.       Road and Bridge Foreman Jim Fletchall’s report:
·         Fletchall reported that there is a lowboy at A-Z Enterprises for them to inspect.
·         The commission asked Fletchall to do some dirt work on CR 116/220th Rd across from Vernon Coy’s where there has been some brush work done.
·         They are getting ready to seed and mulch the area around the Worth Bridge BRO-NBILB113(16).
·         Lee Mode, county road and bridge crew is still trying to fix the little Dozer. He can’t seem to find what is causing the hydraulics to get hesitant.

9.      As set from Tax Hearing held on September 10th  the levies are as follows:
                    Library tax levy at 0.0999.
                    The General Revenue Tax Levy at $.4996
                    General Revenue Temporary Tax Levy at $.35,
                    Road and Bridge Fund Tax Levy at $.4996
                    Special Road and Bridge Fund Tax Levy at $.3297
                    Senior Citizens Fund Tax Levy at $.05

10.   Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to lift the burn ban at this time. Commissioner Ted Findley seconded.  All in favor, motion carried.

11.   Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to adjourn at 12:10 Commissioner Ted Findley second.  All in favor, motion carried.

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