Monday, May 3, 2021

Chamber of Commerce to Disband, Merge with Progress Organization

Unofficial Meeting Minutes

Attending: Bob & Suzi Hull, Jackie Spainhower, Amber Monticue, Gary Hann, Ralph Kobbe, Jean Hanks and Edith Miller. Ben Abplanalp joined the group after lunch.  

Following lunch at the Senior Center the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was call to order.   Copies of the minutes from the October 29, 2020, meeting and the treasurer’s report showing a balance of $1,587.77 were distributed. No meetings have been held since October because of the Covid-19 virus shutdown. The meeting was called to order by President Amber Monticue.  Gary moved that the minutes be approved as presented, Jackie seconded the motion and it was approved. Bob moved that the treasurer’s report be approved, Gary seconded the motion and it was approved.    

Amber reported that Monte Stephenson is ordering fireworks for July 4th similar to last year’s display.    

The next discussion was on disbanding the Chamber of Commerce group. Gary reported that he has talked to several people and most of them are in favor of merging the group with the Progress Organization. 

There are seven board members for the Progress Organization, but any interested persons can attend the meetings held on the first Tuesday of the month, usually at the Courthouse. The Organization is 501(c) (3) tax exempt. Amber is in favor of the merger and pointed out that three of the Chamber members here today are also on the Board of Directors of the Progress Organization. 

After more discussion, Ralph moved that the Chamber be disbanded and the funds on hand be transferred to the Progress Organization and earmarked for fireworks until spent. Gary seconded the motion. Gary suggested that the two five gallon coolers belonging to the Chamber be donated to the Progress Organization. Any paper products on hand could be donated to the Senior Center. 

Amber has the Chamber’s Santa suit and some Christmas ornaments not sold during the fund raising events at the bank. Edith suggested that records needing to be kept be stored at the bank also. 

The consensus of the members present was that the Chamber of Commerce be merged with the Progress Organization.  Gary moved that the Chamber bank account be closed when the funds are dispersed. 

Ben seconded the motion and it was approved. Ben moved that the meeting be adjourned, second by Ralph at 1:00 P.M.

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