Sunday, October 7, 2012

Doin' God's Work for October 10th, 2012

Wednesday at church, we sang a lot of favorite hymns to put the living spirit into us. Sometimes during the midweek, we just need a little boost and reminder of where God has brought us from. After witnessing a miracle last Sunday, the choir should have no doubts that God can and will do amazing things when bonded in prayer.

Changing the weather on us also seems to be something God has done to get our attention. I recall hearing some people say they would not complain after 110 degrees this summer. Oh, how quickly they forget! God has a plan for the seasons. Hopes and prayers for harvesting, time for crops, and always for souls that His disciples may produce a bountiful and fruitful harvest.

October 17th, 3:30 to 5, Grant City afterschool program at Grant City UMC, "Make a Joyful Noise" continues to encourage children to express their joy in song. We have so much to be thankful for and raise our voices in songs.

A lot of events coming up starting with Pickering United Methodist Women hosting a garage sale October 12th, 8 to 6 p.m. and Saturday October 13th, 8 to noon at the Movie Magic building in Maryville.

The Charge Conference will be October 16th in Maryville. Pastor Janis has been keeping busy with paperwork. God blessed her with a volunteer to help. Six churches have a lot of paperwork to keep track of.

Pastor Janis was at the pulpit with the series on "Getting it Right with our Neighbor." This week was about forgiveness. I have found it is often easier to forgive others than it is to forgive myself. Why is it so difficult to accept that God has cancelled our debts and has pardoned our transgressions? God's grace is infinite; Ephesians 1:7-8. Even when we fail, God doesn't hold our sins against us; Romans 8: 1-2. Jesus bore them all on the cross so we might know the joy and peace that freedom from sin and guilt will give us. When we let go of our shame, we find that peace. It is written in His word, so claim it!

Wherever God may lead you this week, remember His grace has gone before us; there is nothing to fear if we are living life for His glory. As we are doing God's work this week, keep a song of praise in your heart! See you in church!

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