Monday, December 25, 2017

Hitchhiking Couple Still on the Road; Now in Wyoming

Kolton and Amanda, the hitchhiking couple that came through Eagleville, Worth County, and Hopkins last September, are still on the road and are now expecting. As of Sunday, they were in Rock River (WY), and are still planning to complete their journey through Idaho and Oregon. The following is Amanda’s latest Facebook post:

Around this same time a year ago we had no idea what our 2017 would bring, we didn't know we would be walking across the United States or that we'd get a surprise hitchhiker! Mostly we focused on us and our lives. Now almost 2000 miles into a coast to coast journey we still sing and play, only now we better understand gratitude, patience, and service.

We are coming up on 8 months of our life given to this walk and each day we have miracles from strangers across the United States taking care of us physically, emotionally, and mentally. I am excited everytime we get to share these stories of hope. These stories showing there is a higher power that is very real and is working through each and every one of you. Kolton and I still have a good chunk of Wyoming left then all of Idaho and Oregon. We've received a lot of concerns about our safety that are valid, and more serious now that there is a fragile little life growing in my belly (and had their kicking debut last night, we have an active little one already). At this time I ask you to share our page and ask others to share it. It's because of the people of the United States that we have made it this far. Our faith in our higher power has been nurtured by countless miracles. We can make it because of you. Thank you for this present when all I have to give is my thanks. Merry Christmas to all of you! May you find the miracles you seek in the most unexpected ways. Never forget you are someone's miracle. Thank you so much for being mine!

PS – On our website there are fundraiser pages for both the foundations! We've had lots of great donations. We shot for the moon and are just grateful to be a part of contributing to these causes. If you want somewhere to give to this time of year, we'd be so grateful to see the numbers go up on our fundraiser pages for two great causes. Thank you for those who've donated already those donations are all up. Thank you for taking care of these two awesome foundations.

They are currently raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Make a Wish Foundation.

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