Sunday, March 13, 2022

Pole Banners Coming to Hopkins

Pole banners are coming to Hopkins, Chris Turpin told the North Nodaway PTO Tuesday night, March 8th. He was reporting from the Hopkins CBC meeting. They will line poles along 148, third street, and Barnard Street with the theme, “School Pride, Family Pride, Community Pride.” They will be seasonal and rotated every season. A fundraiser was held Sunday  at the Community Building for the banners and signs that was well attended.

The PTO received $337.99 from a recent Taco John’s Crunch for a Cause. There were 182 hats and visors sold at home basketball games this year.

Change Wars are being held this week at both the Pickering and Hopkins school buildings. Proceeds go towards the PTO. 

The PTO covers around 90% of elementary supplies and is now looking to help with the high school. They also pay for field trips.

Bingo Night went well, and there were a lot of positive comments.

Next month, new officers will be named for the PTO.

Athletic Director Cody Jenkins requested and got funding for rubber weights. He is starting a weightlifting program for the junior high, and there is a lot of interest, with 20 kids in one class. The rubber weights will allow the students to lift safely, without risking breaking the floor. He will also purchase new weight pads to replace some old pads. 

The PTO is planning a Teacher Appreciation Week for May and a rummage/bake sale for June. The PTO approved $150 for each building to feed teachers during parent/teacher conferences. 

The PTO will do the Male Beauty Pageant for the Hopkins Picnic this year.

The next meeting will be April 12th at 6:30 pm in Hopkins.

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