Friday, March 18, 2022

Letter to the Editor -- Improvements to North Nodaway School are Worth Small Cost


Editor's Note -- The Sheridan Express welcomes letters both for and against the bond issue. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Sheridan Express, the board of directors, or the cooperative members. Send letters to Sheridan Express, 205 N. 4th Street #8, Sheridan, MO 64486 or email us at

Why you should vote yes!

This shows the top land owners in our school district. Only 4 of the top 10 are family farm owners. Most people will pay less than $300 a year in taxes.

LESS than $300 a year to help make some much needed improvements to our school facilities and increase safety precautions...

They are NOT asking to increase our taxes, but only to extend the current tax rate we already have. The same rate we have been paying for the last 4 years. Is that too much to ask?

We are in a unique situation, we could be able to do some wonderful improvements and really make a difference in our kids lives and their education.

Voting YES!

Means having one building for the elementary with the preschool addition, no more trailer sitting off the the side, no more bundling up the preschoolers to come in for lunch.

Having a designated lunch room and opening up the gym availability.

A bus barn to be able to work on our own school buses with simple maintenance.

A safe, secure, confidential and designated entrance to the high school with an elevator to be inclusive of all people and to replace the outdated and broken chair lift.

Voting YES!

Means being competitive with teachers salaries.

The difference between voting yes to the bond and just "saving up the wind mill money" is completing these projects now instead of in 8 years or even more.

Voting yes for the Proposition for the Kids is showing our kids we are putting a priority on the education and their lives.

Stephanie Clements

Pickering, MO

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