Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Editorial -- Sorry, Folks, Joe Biden’s Too Busy

On Wednesday, Second Harvest just announced that they would make massive cuts in its popular Fresh Mobile Pantry that delivered food to a number of area communities. Reducing poverty and hunger is key in reducing the number of mass shootings in this country. Poverty and gun violence are directly related. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is too busy to care that inflation, rising fuel costs, and the fact that people are cutting back on giving is creating the groundwork for even more gun violence and mass shootings. He’s too busy trying to figure out new ways to stick it to the Russians.

Recently, the City of Maryville announced that due to supply chain issues, work on the road that links up Hy-Vee with 71, South Avenue, had to be postponed from July 5th to July 25th. Supply chain issues were the reason. But don’t ask Joe Biden to care. Again, he’s too busy finding new ways of sticking it to the Russians.

On July 5th, the Maryville Forum published an interview with Sheriff Randy Strong in which he said he was angry that there was no coordinated national effort to address school safety following the mass shooting in Uvalde (TX), like working to provide each school in the country with a dedicated security officer. While it would not stop all shootings (Uvalde had a security officer), it would help.

Mr. Strong said, “And I’m just gonna say what I think a lot of other people are saying too: Shame on our government, in both parties, that have not come together to put somebody in our schools to deal with this. We could put air marshals in aircraft after 9/11, but where are we now? I think that’s an immediate quick response that you could do, that you train people, and you put them in there, and that’s their sole purpose – is to protect the children and our teachers in the schools.”

The Sheriff is doing all he can to protect the schools in Nodaway County, including Northeast Nodaway and North Nodaway, Deputies who are not on call will begin rotating among the six school districts outside of Maryville. But there is a reason why the government won’t come together to stop the madness. Joe Biden is too busy finding ways of sticking it to the Russians to care. 

These are just a few of the many real life consequences of Joe Biden’s obsession with Russia at the expense of the rest of us. I’m sure he would say that these issues are just a few of the many sacrifices that we all have to make so that we can stick it to the Russians. But Mr. Biden completely misses the point.

Back in 1928, American Legion State Commander Nee, speaking at the dedication of the new Grant City Legion building, talked about the sacrifices that 4 million young men made during World War I. This includes 80,000 who laid down their lives. (Editor -- More recent statistics put US war deaths at 116,516. This includes deaths of all causes.) Millions more made similar sacrifices in World War II. Many gave their lives, and many were so scarred that they literally had nothing more to give. What politicians like Mr. Biden don’t understand is that these young men did not make these sorts of sacrifices in a vacuum. They did so in order that their children and grandchildren would never have to fight such wars again. Mr. Biden’s boss, Barack Obama, got it right before the folks at the Military Industrial Complex got hold of him.

Maybe there is one glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. It is estimated that rebuilding costs for Ukraine will be at least $750 billion to $1 trillion after the war. The corporations and billionaires who stand to profit are going to want a piece of the action as well. They need the shooting to stop in order to begin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think our military war dead in WW I was more like 115,000.