Sunday, July 10, 2022

Frost in Worth County in May 1878

There was frost in Worth County in May 1878. The May 9th, 1928 edition of the Worth County Tribune had this and other entries in its “Looking Back” files.

The occasional cold northwest winds within the last two weeks have blighted much of the fruit. A light frost Saturday and Sunday mornings.


Robert Hollingsworth has a piece of Spanish sliver bearing the date of 1734 – 144 years old.


Billy Davidson of Smithton met with quite an accident last week. His hired hand was working his team to a harrow, when they became entangled and one of the horse’s legs was broken twice, and one of the teeth of the harrow was thrust through one of the horse’s legs near the fetlock joint. Trying to extricate them, the harrow fell on Billy’s left foot, just back of his toes, and it made a ragged gash. We saw Billy in town the following Monday, and he was getting about pretty well.


Amos Frakes & Company have purchased a coal auger, with which they can bore some 240 feet. Now look out for business, for with Amos at the helm, coal is going to be found or many people bored.


Six immigrant wagons from Indiana passed through Albany on their way to Denver and Worth, where they intend to make their home – Albany Ledger.

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