Thursday, July 7, 2022

Donations Helped Fund Reading Program Field Trip to Kansas City

The week long Summer Reading Program from June 20th – 24th was a success.  72 students registered by early May.  The program ran Monday through Thursday at the library and school facility from 9:30 to 11:30.  The days were filled with numerous activities including games, crafts, videos, story time, reading books, a science project and a photo booth.  Thursday included a blue light tour of the bottom of the sea from the shore to the abyss.  The hope was to take a field trip on Friday.  However, we have been advised by the state that the Worth County Library operates on the second smallest budget in the State of Missouri.  Thankfully Phil & Leslie Youngs donated some money through the Worth County Education Foundation for tickets to tour the SEALife Aquarium in Kansas City and a pizza party lunch.  

The library was able to stretch out enough money after paying for all of the week long needed supplies for transportation and t-shirts for the trip.  We were excited to go when we received notification that Ron & Rhonda Richards were donating Science City tickets to add to our day.  Now that the weeklong activities have concluded the library is inviting all the students that participated in the program and any other children that are interested to come into the library to continue the summer long ‘Oceans of Possibilities’ program.  Each day the children attended the weeklong program at the library they were given a brag tag.  There are 10 tags in total that can be collected.  Stop by to read another book and get another tag! 

–Kandi Hughes, Librarian     

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