Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Editorial -- Surprise, Suprise: Arms Sent to Ukraine Being Sold on the Black Market

You know all those weapons systems and humanitarian aid that is going to Ukraine that was supposed to turn the tide of the war against Russia? It turns out, according to Vladim Melnik, head of Ukraine’s Financial Investigations Service, speaking on Ukraina 24, that much of that aid is instead being sold on the black market. Mr. Melnik said that he had launched 10 different criminal probes and admits that the actual number is likely much higher.

Mr. Melnik is not the only one. The Ukraine Prosecutor General’s office has also reported multiple cases of misuse of Western humanitarian and military aid.

This is hardly surprising. Transparency International, which measures corruption among countries around the world, ranks Ukraine as 122nd of 180 countries, with 1 being the best and 180 being the worst. In fact, Wikipedia has an entire page on the corruption in Ukraine. 

But for the Military Industrial Complex, it doesn’t matter. Weapons falling into the hands of the wrong people simply means more wars and profits in the future. Just like the US aiding Bin Laden in the 1980’s and lauding him as a hero as late as the 1990’s turned into him masterminding the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11.

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