Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hardcore Preaching Marks Eagleville Church of Christ VBS

Over 70 people of all ages attended the Eagleville Church of Christ VBS from Sunday through Wednesday. It was not the typical VBS that most churches put on, with fun and games for the kids, who go to different stations. It featured Billy Hayes of Hot Springs (AR) Church of Christ speaking for about an hour and 20 minutes each night. On Wednesday, he preached about the final days of Jesus, drawing from the Gospel of John, and ending with the resurrection and Jesus appearing to Doubting Thomas. What looks hardcore to the outsider is par for the course for Eagleville Church of Christ; they say it’s called “school” for a reason.

Eagleville Church of Christ is non-instrumental, meaning all worship is sung acapella, or without musical instruments. “We only do things that are found in the Bible,” said their preacher, Eric Richardson. That was true for the VBS songs as well. But if anyone thinks the services were long and boring, they would be mistaken. The kids were loud, deafening, and boisterous in their singing, they were saddened that the services were all over, and they were still humming the songs as they went out to enjoy some hotdogs over a campfire after all the lessons were over. 

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