Sunday, October 18, 2020

Worth County Limits Basketball Attendance to 50% of Gym Capacity

The Worth County R-III Board of Education met on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 7:30 pm in the superintendent’s office to conduct the business of the school district. Board members heard a report from Diana Closterman on the school district’s audit, which Westbrook & Co. prepared for the 2019-2020 school year. The firms audit found no state findings and no material findings.  She complemented the district’s staff on their efforts to follow the financial procedures of the district along with the necessary documentation.

The board also heard reports from the elementary and high school principals. Mr. Chuck Borey told about the progress on getting wood chips for the playground, while Mr. Jon Adwell described many of the accomplishments of the high school student even in the midst of the pandemic. He encourage families to subscribe to the school district’s Facebook page.

The activity director, Chris Healy, presented the Winter Sports Activity Procedures and described the process for admission and seating. 

“This year we will not admit elementary age children, unless they are accompanied by an adult and they will have to stay with that adult at all times, even when going to the concession stand or restrooms,” said Mr. Healy.

The district plans to limit attendance to 50% of the gym’s capacity. For additional procedures and information on how to obtain a winter sports pass, go to the district’s website.

Dr. Martz, superintendent of schools, informed the board that the USDA food program, seamless summer option, originally scheduled to end on December 31, 2020 is extended to the end of the 2020-2021 school year.

“This means that any child between the ages of 1-18, or up to age 21, if disabled, may receive a breakfast and a lunch at no cost,” said Martz.  “Families with young children at home may participate in the program and should contact the elementary office to order meals and make arrangements for pick-up.”

The board also approved two contracts: the Fisher Track Refurbishment contract and the Contract with NW Cellular for mobile hotspots. 

“We need to maintain the all-weather track by refurbishing the track every few years.  Fisher Tracks installed the track about 5 years ago,” said Chris Healy, activities director.  The refurbishment will take place in the late spring of 2021 after the track season has ended, using money the district budgeted from the capital projects fund and the track fund to pay for the project. 

“The mobile hotspots come with unlimited data packages, which will allow us to support remote learning if needed,” said Dr. Martz, superintendent. “These hotspots are funded with the Missouri Student Connectivity grant and a matching grant from the county relief funds.”

In other business the board approved the second reading of policies up for review, the district-wide appointments, and updated the daily salary rates for substitutes.  Finally, the board declared several technology-related items, a 15-passenger bus, a sedan, and a 5-cubic foot freezer as surplus.  Those parties that are interested the items can find more information about placing a bid by going to the district website or by contacting the district office.

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