Friday, October 2, 2020

Letter to the Editor -- Why Women Should Vote for Trump

Black Lives Matter – if I hear that one more time, I may lose my lunch. Of course they matter, but not one iota more than any other life.

Natalie Wallace and Secoria Turner. Who are they? Just two of the many innocent children killed by other Blacks. It would appear your life only matters if you are killed by a white person, especially if it’s a white man.

I listened to Kamala Harris, and she scares the bloomers off me. She advocates taxpayer funded abortion on demand at any stage. We are all made in the image of God, both the born and the unborn. I, for one, don’t want my tax dollars used to kill the image of God.

Harris wants mandatory buyback of “assault weapons.” Here, we call them deer rifles.

She wants free medical care for illegal immigrants. Boy, would I like free medical care, and I’m a citizen.

How about open borders? No borders, no country.

Also, eliminate the electoral college. Our forefathers were wise enough to see without it that the midwest would have no voice. We would be ruled by New York and California.

I read a Letter to the Editor about why young females should vote Biden/Harris. One argument was that your wages are 81% of your male counterparts. I don’t know the figures, so I won’t dispute that. My question is, Biden was in government 47 years, 8 of which was in the powerful position of Vice-President. What did he do to correct that?

Please don’t forget to vote!

Ann Roach 

Grant City, MO

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