Friday, August 7, 2020

Worth County School Approves Coronavirus Plan

 The Worth County R-III Board of Education held its regular board meeting on July 23, 2020 at 7:30 pm in the Superintendent’s Office.  During the meeting Board President, Patricia Warner, and Board Treasurer, Amanda Gilland, shared information from the virtual MSBA Leadership Summit “Igniting Great Ideas.” Dr. Matthew Martz, superintendent of schools shared information on what the recent withholdings from the state payment would mean for the district.  “Currently with the amount withheld our district will realize about five per cent less than when the district receives full-funding,” said Martz. “Of course, this is based on the state revenues coming in and no further withholdings being taken by the governor.”

The board also reviewed the school district’s continuous operations plan.  This plan outlines preemptive strategies (steps that can happen at home), proactive strategies (steps that the school will take to decrease exposure) and reactive strategies (steps that the school district will take if forced to close its doors for safety reasons). The document may require changes as the situation changes.  While the plan was built with the current COVID-19 pandemic in mind, the plan can also work if the district would need to have to close its doors for an extended time due to inclement weather, e.g. week-long closure due to ice or snow.

The district will communicate the plan out to parents and community members. “Folks are encouraged to ask questions or share concerns with the school district administrators.” said Martz. “The district is counting on the parents and caregivers becoming the first line of defense against illness entering the school bus or school.” The district will also send out a survey to parents and caregivers to inquire on whether or not they can transport their students to and from school, since they cannot guarantee physical distancing of students. 

In new business, the board approved the Business Education Program Improvement Grant, service providers for the 2020-2021 school year, and the updated social studies curriculum.  The board approved John Lachowsky, HS social studies teacher, for the JH Softball Assistant Coaching position, and added Cassie Boner to the food service substitute list.

The entire Coronavirus reopening plan can be found here.

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