Sunday, August 12, 2012

Doing God's Work for August 15th, 2012

August is zipping right along; the days roll faster, so I can imagine how children may feel about starting school this week. I pray that peer pressure will not be a factor in what they learn. May God keep our children focused on why their education is so important and far from temptation.
Did we take the mark of the beast and not realize it? While shredding this week, I couldn’t help notice everything had a bar code on it. I realize in the world of computers and marketing why it has been done, but I was surprised to find it on other documents. It made me ponder the idea how easily the devil creeps into our lives and goes unnoticed by us; yet others around us may see his handiwork so clearly.
We had an awesome time Wednesday singing songs that reflect His love for us. Fellowship is grand, but prayers can be so powerful when in a group. Join us at 6 p.m. for that extra spiritual lift to get us through to His Sunday. All of us can use a faith booster!
We are continuing the series, “What do we believe?” This Sunday, the sermon was on “We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit.” Pastor Janis gave a great sermon. Terry Wyer sang a special for the congregation. A blessing to have his visiting family attend worship!
Next Sunday, another discussion on “This we believe” will be held at Ravenwood, 2 p.m.; August 26th will be hosted by Grant City UMC. August 19th, Ravenwood Council meeting 12:15 p.m. August 29th, Grant City Ministries and Council Meeting. Also at 4 that day, there will be after-school program planning. This is doing God’s work, helping others.
May God bless you and keep you healthy. Fall evening temps after a hot summer may be difficult to adjust for some of us. May God adjust the body thermostat as easily. See you in church!

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