Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Worth County Commission -- Tax Rock Hauling, Worth Bridge Nearing Completion

Presiding Commissioner Findley called the meeting to order at 9:05 am.

1.       Commissioner Rob Ruckman reported the gas prices as $3.559 and diesel as $3.949  
2.       Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to approve the minutes and agenda. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
3.       Treasurer Linda Brown presented the weekly balance sheet, payroll, and bills.
4.       Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to approve the bills and payroll. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
5.       Roger Robertson and Dirk Groom, county rock haulers stopped to say they were almost finished with the tax rock. They are just waiting to hear from the Conservation Department on how much gravel goes there. County Clerk Roberta Owens will continue to try to contact the Conservation Department.
6.       Jim Fletchall Road and Bridge Report: Fletchall reported in by phone.
·         Completed the tubes for CR 192/213th Rd.
·         Working on a tube on CR 106/Jaguar Ave
·         Will go south of Sheridan next, then on to Paxton Bridge.

Jerry Stephenson with Harrington Courtilyou/Burns&McDonald and Kim McKinnley from McKinnley LLC came to discuss the closing of the Worth Bridge project BRO-NBIL113B113(16). The bridge is now complete, but there is a ditch in the area that is cutting back to the roadway. The existing ditch north and east of the new bridge near Sta, 16+60 has shifted southward since the survey data was acquired in 2005. The proximity of the ditch is now cutting into
the roadway and has become a potential safety hazard. This change order will allow the contractor to shift the flow line of the ditch approximately 10ft. north and reshape the banks. In addition, approximately 55 linear ft. of Rock Blanket and Geotextile Fabric will be placed along the bank adjacent to the new roadway from near the edge of the shoulder
down to the flow line. After an inspection of the area the Commissioners agreed that this work needs to be done. There will be a final inspection on Wednesday August 29th 2012, at 10:00am. After that the county needs to complete their in kind work as quickly as possible.

  1. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to adjourn 12:15m. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Presiding Commissioner Ted Findley brought the afternoon session of the commissioner meeting to order at 3:30.

  1. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to adjourn at 3:55pm. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

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