Monday, August 13, 2012

Corn and Soybean Condition

Corn lodging is occurring in drought stressed areas of corn fields. Growers should keep a close eye on their fields and consider early harvest. Check fields by pushing corn over and determine if there is high risk. Often, when corn plants are drought stressed, that the lower part of the plant may be cannibalized to fill the ear which leads to lodging.
There are many differences in corn yields across northwest Missouri. There are scattered rain events that helped corn yields whereas others missed rains and there is little grain on the ear.
As we move into seed fill with our soybean crop, most fields have a limited amount of pod set. Dry conditions caused many flowers and pods to abort. Next, if dry conditions continue, seeds in the pods will abort. The soybean plant will respond to its environment by only filling what seeds it feels it can produce.
For more information, contact Wayne Flanary at 660-446-3724 or Heather Benedict at 660-425-6434, Regional Agronomists, University of Missouri Extension.

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