Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sheridan United Methodist Church Taking Donations for Tornado Cleanup Kit

The Sheridan United Methodist Church is taking donations for cleanup supplies for victims of the tornadoes in the South. The following supplies are requested for a cleanup kit:
--Five gallon bucket with resealable lid;
--1 dry laundry detergent;
--1 roll heavy duty trash bags, 24-28 count (30-45 gallons);
--1 bottle liquid concentrated household cleaner (like Lysol), 12 oz.;
--1 bottle liquid antibacterial dish soap (like Dawn), 25 oz.;
--Clothesline, two 50-foot or one 100-foot.
--1 scrub brush, remove packaging;
--1 pair work gloves;
--2 pairs latex gloves (like Playtex);
--7 sponges (assorted sizes);
--5 scouring pads;
--18 cleaning towels (reusable, like Easy Wipes; NO cotton towels);
--1 bottle insect repellent (drops or lotion, not aerosol), 6-14 oz.

Please purchase all liquids in plastic bottles. Send only new, unopened materials. Make sure lids on bottles are tightly closed. Put all items in the plastic bucket, making sure they are packed securely to avoid damage during shipment. Seal lid with packing tape.

Contributions can be left with any member of the church.

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