Saturday, June 11, 2022

Mort Smith & Sons of Grant City in 1906

Mort Smith & Sons of Grant City took out the following ad in the Worth County Times on October 4th, 1906:



That you, as well as others, will enjoy seeing our new stock of Dress Goods, Ladies and Misses Coats, Silks, Satins, Underwear, etc.

Men’s Correctly Tailored Suits and Overcoats are now here ready for you to put on. If you are a man of judgement in clothes, you’ll have a chance to exercise it this season in comparing our suits with those shown elsewhere at much higher prices. Our fall dress goods, a masterly assembly, new; every piece in our stock has been put there within the last six weeks. 50 inch brown, grey, and green cravenetted cloth for suits and coats, shower proof, $1.25 per yard. New half wool 36 inch Chevoit, splendid line of rich autumn shades, 5 and 7 yards, making a dress pattern, 50 cents a yard. 46 inch plaids, 44 and 46 inch plain blacks, browns, and grays and many other varieties will attract the attention of our many callers.


Our stock of shoes is immense. It is well to study a shoe before you buy it. Then, you’ll be sure to have satisfaction in its wearing. Here is a box calf shoe and a calf seamless shoe made on natural lines, insuring comfort, longer service, and greater pleasure for the money. Box calf shoe $3, calf seamless shoe $2.


The charming of good things in our store are our Ladies’ and Misses Furs. They are beautiful as well as good, ranging in price from $1 to $20 each.


Carpets and Curtains add so much to the furnishing of a house if they are appropriate. Most people insist upon making a selection from a well selected stock. We have a very large stock at present. Call and get prices before you carpet your rooms; we can save you money. 

A daily invitation is extended to you to call and look our goods over whether you buy or not. We have the goods, and we make prices that will move them.

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