Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Grant City Rescinds Neighbor Signature Requirement

At their regular meeting June 15th, the Grant City Council voted to rescind the requirement that people get neighbor signatures for building permits. City Administrator Meggan Brown had checked with Albany and Stanberry, and neither city has such a requirement.

Olivia Hill came to the meeting to discuss the reading of her old meter during the switchout to the new meter. The city voted to bill her for her average usage.

Brown has been looking into a PHMSA grant for gas meters; however, the city does not qualify. 

The city will be having a ribbon cutting for the new basketball court on July 4th.

The pool pump that the city had purchased is ordered and is being built. Estimated arrival was the 24th. The baby pool is not circulating well and sometimes has to be restarted. City employees are doing wastewater training. The city has been fixing potholes.

Emily Wicoff was there to inform the council of grant opportunities that have become available through state ARPA funds for water, wastewater, storm water, and lead service line inventory. The council authorized her to pursue the grant.

The city voted to donate $100 each to the Aivry Griffin Memorial Foundation and the Back to School Fair.

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