Saturday, June 18, 2022

1880 Dispute Resulted in Shooting Northeast of Bethany

The November 25th, 1880 Bethany Republican carried this account of a shooting three miles northeast of Bethany:

On Friday [November 19th, 1880] about noon at the house of Allen Dale about three miles northeast of Bethany, while some railroad hands were at the house getting their dinner, a difficulty arose between two of them, Peter Ramsey and Stephen Dugan. They had some words at the table and upon going out into the yard, Dugan drew a revolver and fired at Ramsey twice, the first shot missing, the latter striking in the side, the ball penetrating the cavity.

The shooter at once fled and the wounded man was brought to Bethany for treatment. He was placed in charge of Drs. McClure and Keith, who dressed his wound and cared for him. The injury was not very dangerous and he is getting along all right. The other man has not been captured. Both parties were non-residents.

Dugan was at Ridgeway the same night, and a deputy sheriff went there in pursuit, but it seems no one would give any information until Dugan had been gone several hours. They say about a year ago, Ramsey gave Dugan a severe beating.

LATER – We hear that Dugan is now at or near Davis City (IA).

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