Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Grassbank Project Launched at Dunn Ranch

This spring, the Nature Conservancy launched its first grassbank project at Dunn Ranch Prairie near Hatfield. Last week, they welcomed the first herd of cattle to the grassbank pastures. Three generations of the Rolling Prairie Ranch family from Hatfield, MO were on-hand as the cattle made their way into the fields.

Grassbanks are a time-tested way to enhance management flexibility, build larger scale collaboration and efficiently support conservation of important lands and waters. Over the next three years, TNC will be partnering with Rolling Prairie Ranch and another local rancher who will bring their cattle to graze on two specific pastures on the prairie. This grassbank project has a very strategic purpose—to increase native habitat across the Grand River Grasslands.

In return, the ranchers will select and implement sustainable grazing practices, such as removing fescue and planting native grasses on their own land. Each herd will consist of 100 head of cattle. They will remain on Dunn Ranch Prairie until mid-June when they will be removed to give the natives and warm season grasses some time to grow. The cattle will then be brought back in mid-August and will remain on the pastures until October.

Grasslands are the least protected habitat on earth. This grassbank gives ranchers the ability and time to adopt and establish sustainable practices on their land, keeping our grasslands ecologically intact and economically productive.

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