Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Worth County Hires Two Cooks, Approves Substitute Teacher List

The Worth County School Board, at its regular meeting Thursday, hired two cooks and approved the substitute teacher list for the 2019-2020 school year.

Named to the substitute teacher list were Jamie Allee, Janice Borey, Ashley Briner, Julie Cassavaugh, Tera Coleman, Barb Dannar, Cody Green, Mary Kay Hunt, Amy Jackson, Jodi Lawrence, Judith Matteson, Rebecca New, Jessica Sanders, Jan Ruckman, Becky Thompson, Amanda Thrower, and Ginny Quick.

Named to Food Service positions were Peggy Richardson as Head Cook and Carissa Snead as cook. All personnel votes were unanimous.

Medical Marijuana
Last year, statewide voters approved Medical Marijuana for the state. The Worth County School Board adopted the following policy with regard to Medical Marijuana at school:

The Board strives to honor families’ private medical decisions while ensuring a learning environment free of disruption. To that goal, the District maintains a strict prohibition against the possession, use, sale and presence under the influence of prohibited substances, having adopted a Drug Free School Policy (Policy 2641 – Drug Free Schools) as well as a prohibition against Student Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (Policy 2640 - Student Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs). The purpose of these policies and others is not primarily punitive to catch offenders, rather it is designed to provide a safe learning environment and to serve as a deterrence to drug use.

The State of Missouri has adopted a limited authorization of medical marijuana, as defined by state law and all applicable regulations (hereinafter “medical marijuana” or “drug”). Qualified individual students and employees are permitted the use of medical marijuana. The law does not authorize the use of medical marijuana on school premises, nor does it require or permit district employees to administer the drug to students.

Overall, the District restricts the administration of medications, including medical marijuana, unless administration cannot reasonably be accomplished outside of school hours. Administration of medical marijuana to qualified students shall be in accordance with this policy. Administration of all other prescription and nonprescription medications to students shall be in accordance with applicable law and the Board’s policy concerning the administration of medications to students.
Under this policy, caregivers of qualified users of medical marijuana should administer the drug before or after school hours. Caregivers are advised to administer the drug as early in the morning as possible or after school in order to avoid safety issues at school.

In the limited circumstances that a qualified student must receive the drug at school, certain procedures as determined by the District must be followed. Among those procedures, the caregiver must provide the principal with the student’s valid authorization to use medical marijuana and the parent must provide the principal with doctor’s orders confirming that the drug must be administered during the school day. Where the principal is satisfied that all procedural requirements have been met, the principal will allow the caregiver to take the student off school grounds in order to administer the drug to a qualified student. Medical marijuana will not be stored at school. Following administration of the drug, the caregiver must leave return the student to school. At no times should any medical marijuana be on school grounds.

This procedure will be followed on school premises, on school transportation, and at school sponsored activities either within the District or outside the District. Violation of these procedures will result in the revocation of a qualified student’s opportunity to receive the drug at school and disciplinary action.

Caregivers wishing to appeal a building level decision to limit use of medical marijuana at school may appeal the decision to the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s decision will be final.
This policy conveys no right to any student or to the student’s parents/guardians or other primary caregiver to demand access to any general or particular location on school or district property, a school bus or at a school-sponsored event to administer medical marijuana.

Student possession, use, distribution, sale or being under the influence of marijuana inconsistent with this policy may be considered a violation of Board policy concerning drug and alcohol involvement by students or other Board policy and may subject the student to disciplinary consequences, including suspension and/or expulsion, in accordance with applicable Board policy.
If the federal government indicates that the District’s federal funds are jeopardized by this policy, the Board declares that this policy shall be suspended immediately and that the administration of any form of medical marijuana to qualified students on school property, on a school bus or at a school-sponsored event shall not be permitted. 

The board also passed a Drug Free Workplace Policy. It is a violation for any school employee to possess, use, manufacture, distribute, or be under the influence of medical marijuana in any manner inconsistent with Missouri state law and applicable regulations. Employees may not be under the influence of drugs, including medical marijuana, while while acting in the scope of their employment while on district property or off, or while present at any school or district sponsored or sanctioned event. Employees may seek reasonable accommodations related to Medical Marijuana under the the district’s policies related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Transportation employees may not use medical marijuana on work days and may not use it while on district transportation. Transportation employees who test positive for any controlled substance, including marijuana, are subject to dismissal. Transportation employees who cannot, for medical reasons, comply with this policy may request a transfer to a non-safety sensitive position.

Meal Charges
The board also approved a meal charge policy for school lunches:
The purpose of this policy is to maintain consistent meal account procedures throughout the District. Unpaid charges place a financial strain on District finances. The Food Service Department is responsible for maintaining food charge records and for notifying the District’s accounting department of outstanding balances.

1. Student Groups:
  –Elementary students will be allowed to charge; however, students will only allowed to purchase seconds or other items if they have a positive account balance
  –Junior High and High School students will be allowed to charge; however, students will only be allowed to purchase seconds or other items if they have a positive account balance.

2. No charges will be allowed for ala carte foods and beverages.

3. Parents/guardians of students with negative balances will be contacted electronically, by correspondence, or by phone call by the High School Office.

4. On May 15 annually all charging will be cut off.
  –Parents/guardians will be sent a written request for “payment in full.”
  –All charges not paid before the end of the school year will be carried forward into the next school year.
  –Graduating seniors must pay all charges in full. Failure to do so may result in the delinquent student being denied participation in graduation ceremonies.

5. If a financial hardship is suspected, families will be encouraged to apply for free/reduced meals at any time during the school year.

6. Each building principal will add information to the student handbook notifying them of the requirements of this policy. This policy will also be published on the District’s website.

The policy also includes a nondiscrimination clause. If you feel you have been a victim of discrimination, you can contact the USDA at (866) 632-9992. Submit complaint forms to USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC, 20250.

Other Action
The board held their Tax Rate Hearing at the start of the meeting and voted to set the Incidental Levy at $3.4531 and the Debt Service Levy at $.2500 for a total of $3.7031.

The board voted to zero out student activity accounts from the 2018-2019 school year. This includes $4,872.98 for Activities, -$1,871.10 for Annual, -$4,146.04 for Travel, and -$2,330.16 for Uniforms.

The board voted to approve a contract with Contemporary Behavior Consultants for consultation services related to students with special needs, not to exceed $6,500 for the upcoming school year. This money will be reimbursed the following year by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The board also voted to adopt a compliance plan for Special Education and set the next meeting date for September 19th, 2019.

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