Sunday, August 26, 2018

New School Sign Proposed for School Bus Road

A new school sign has been proposed for the corner of Highway 46 and School Bus Road in Grant City. The Worth County Student Council is seeking to work collaboratively with communities, organizations, and patrons of the Worth County School District to raise $30,000 for the design and installation of the sign. Richard Baker has verbally committed to donating the land for the sign.
The goal of the sign is to notify the public of school events, recognize student achievements, highlight school club activities, and promote school spirit. 

The timeline for the sign is tentative and will depend on the rate at which funds are obtained. The Grant City Council, at its regular meeting Thursday, decided to back the project. The city will be able to promote community events free of charge such as city-wide garage sales, notification of emergency situations such as boil orders, notification of meetings, and advertising of community activities at the Swimming Pool, Skating Rink, and the Golf Course.

The city, at a special tax rate hearing, voted to set its tax rate at $1.48 per $100 assessed valuation. Assessed valuation dropped from $5,045,679 in 2017 to $4,968,264 in 2018. Projected revenues for next year will be $73,530.31.

Superintendent Dr. Matt Martz was present to discussed the proposed school sign. In addition, he obtained permission from the city to hold the Homecoming Parade on the Square again this year. The Parade will be on September 21st at 1:45 pm. Coronation will follow at the football field, followed by an alumni reception at the Senior Center. 

The council voted to donate $50 to sponsor the Homecoming Parade this year.

Economic Developer Gene Auten was not present at the meeting, but submitted a report stating he was working on tearing down the abandoned home across the street from Mark Terry’s.
Councilwoman Cathy James reported that she had received complaints from a citizen about three neighbors running businesses out of their homes. People in the town who wish to run a business out of their home in Grant City have to either be grandfathered in, be located in a commercially zoned area, or comply with certain ordinances. Regulations include not having a sign more than two square feet that is attached to the building and not creating a traffic or odor problem. Two had been grandfathered in, while one will be asked to make their sign smaller.

There were also complaints about a vicious dog on the south end of town along with two barking dogs on the southwest end of town.

The city voted to buy materials for a new shelter over a chlorine tank at the pool at a cost of $600.
The city plans to go for a CDBG/USDA grant to comply with wastewater requirements from the DNR. This will include land application and a sewer upgrade. 

The city set fall cleanup for September 29th this year. 

There were issues with the electricity during the Color Run this year. The city will get bids to rewire the Pool Park shelter house. There were also complaints about alcohol consumption at the park; alcohol is not allowed on city property.

The council went into closed session and decided to advertise for an office clerk. It will be 30 or more hours per keep with full benefits and a 90 day probationary period. The applicant will be trained in all aspects of the office.

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