Sunday, May 20, 2012

Are Your Surroundings Affecting Your Diet?

The way people use their senses while eating can influence how we eat and how much we consume according to Dr. John Gunstad, associate professor of psychology at Kent State University. 
“Things like music, bright lights, color and food texture have a strong influence on our eating habits,” Gunstad explains.  “If we don’t pay attention to our surroundings, it can result in poor food choices. The key is to be aware of how these forces subtly influence our eating habits.”
Gunstad offers his tips below to avoid a sensory diet ambush and enhance awareness of sensory signals while eating. 
Sound: Loud, fast music – often placed at restaurants - encourages people to eat, and therefore leave more quickly.  Unfortunately, eating fast can also lead to over-eating.  Most people eat until their brain signals a “full” feeling, but there is a 5-10 minute lag time between when our stomachs are full and when our brain recognizes that fact.  Eating more slowly allows the brain to realize it is time to stop eating, before the person has over-eaten.
Rather than simply avoiding music altogether, look for settings or create your own environment that plays soft, slow music.  A relaxing tempo can be more conducive healthier eating habits.
Sight: Similar to loud music, bright lights encourage people to increase the rate of all behaviors.  Eating faster is a natural byproduct of bright lights.  When possible, plan your meals in a setting that does not include bright, harsh lighting; the impulse to eat fast will be reduced.
Color can also affect the way we eat. Red and yellow tend to make people feel hungrier, even when they are not, while blue can help suppress appetite. These biological cues once provided some evolutionary advantage. 
However, today, take a moment to think about how décor like wall colors or tablecloths may be providing a psychological urge to eat more than necessary. Additionally, choosing colored plates that contrast sharply with the color of food makes it easier to pay attention to portion size.
Beware of optical illusions.  We often eat with our eyes.  This means we frequently base how full we are on what we think we ate rather than how many calories we actually consumed. A popular method for portion control is to switch to smaller plates, but too drastic of a change can be difficult.  People notice the plate is smaller and still feel like they have not eaten enough.  Rather, try making gradual changes - one-inch increments - to plate size.  When you barely notice the difference, you will eat less, but still feel just as full.
Touch: The texture of food can also provide guidance for more healthful choices.  Rough or fibrous foods can help promote weight loss because they create feelings of satiety with less calories.
Taste and Smell: Taste and smell can be tricky because they are so intrinsic to the eating process, and because attitudes toward what tastes good or bad are so subjective.  The key is to not allow taste and smell to dictate whether we are hungry or full.  Stop and ask yourself, am I actually hungry? Or, is it actually my positive reaction to a tasty smell or delicious bite of food encouraging me to keep eating?

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