Monday, June 9, 2008

Walk 1440 for June 11th, 2008

What controls you on any given day?
Specifically, what controls your attitude?
Unable to make a payment on the house or car?
A spouse, fellow employee, friend, that is hurtful or mean?
A child that is disobedient?
A financial venture fallen through?
A car wreck? An injury? Tiredness? Sickness? Hunger? Your past?
Any & all of these things have a tendency to control our attitude on any given day…why?
Could it be as simple as a choice we make?
The things above & more describe circumstances that we experience…some circumstances can be very difficult causing us great stress
Have you considered where circumstances occur?
Your attitude on any given day is based on the thoughts & feelings of your mind…where is your mind located?
Your mind is that non-physical part of your body, you can’t see, that controls your attitude from the inside out…what’s going on inside of you will be seen on your outside
Circumstances take place outside of our mind…then how does something like a physical circumstance control our non-physical mind?
I believe there is a switch or gate between the inside of your mind & the outside circumstance around you…this switch or gate is called: a choice.
We choose to take outside circumstances & place them in the center of our mind…allowing them to "control" our thoughts & feelings…in essence not only do we experience the circumstance but we allow the circumstance to control us
Do you appreciate being controlled by the environment around you? There is another option…
For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all,
therefore all died; 2 Corinthians 5:14 NAS
You can’t always control the circumstances around you but you can stop the circumstance from controlling you…how?
The same way you have let circumstances control you: a choice
"having concluded this"…conclusion’s occur in the mind…what would happen if you chose to conclude in your mind that Jesus Christ died for you?
"therefore all died"…having concluded in your mind that a man died for you then your next conclusion is you owe Jesus your allegiance, your life…you choose to die to yourself
If you choose to allow this conclusion in your mind not the circumstance…then your thoughts & feelings can only say "for the love of Christ controls us"
There are 1440 minutes in a day…WALK1440 controlled by the right conclusion in any circumstance

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