Monday, May 5, 2008

Lt. Governor Protests Budget Cuts for Area Agencies on Aging

Lt. Governor Peter Kinder today called on state lawmakers to restore $1 million in funding for the vital senior services programs administered through the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA’s). The funds were stripped from the 2009 state budget by the House and Senate budget committees.
"As the state’s official Senior Advocate, and on behalf of Missouri’s senior citizens, I am calling for this cut to be rescinded and the $1 million funding increase to be restored immediately," Lt. Governor Kinder said. "These services administered by the AAA’s save the state millions in Medicaid dollars as they help seniors remain independent rather than being forced to live prematurely in a long-term care facility. My primary responsibility as Lt. Governor is for the wellbeing of our seniors. I know my friends in the legislature share a common concern, and I am confident that they will heed my call to put this money back into the budget."
Last week, a proposed $1 million dollar funding increase was reduced to $500,000. The reduction in funding will have a serious impact on programs that not only provides nutrition to many seniors but also allows them remain in their homes independently and to live with dignity.
The cuts made by the legislative budget committee came with just days remaining before the Legislature begins debate on a final budget, which is required by the Missouri Constitution to be completed by 6 p.m. on Friday, May 9.
"The clock is ticking on Missouri’s seniors yet I am confident that lawmakers will do the right thing and restore this critical funding before it is too late," Lt. Governor Kinder said.

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