Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Sheridan Awards Mowing Bid to Tuker Riley

The Sheridan City Council awarded the mowing bid this year to Tuker Riley for $225 per mow. Three bids were received this year. Brylea Paxson and Wyatt Hill bid $300 per mow, while Drew Steinman bid $400 per mow. The council tabled the bids to a closed meeting. Following the closed meeting, the council awarded the bid to Riley. 

The council awarded the tree cutting bid to Allen Tree Cutting for $1,800. The city is in the process of getting quotes for the park bathroom, which has a water leak and needs work on the overhangs. The city bid ditch and tube cleanup for this year. City Collector Miranda Lyle reported that she had gotten back taxes collected for all but one person.

1 comment:

Dsteinman said...

Drew Steinman bid 100 per mow or 400 per month!