Friday, April 16, 2021

New Petition Would Change How State Judges Are Elected

A new initiative petition in Missouri would allow judges of the Missouri Supreme Court and Court of Appeals to be elected in the same manner as contested elections for governor. Currently, the Governor nominates judges based on the recommendation of a committee of lawyers, judges, and the governor’s chosen appointees. Judges are retained by a yes or no vote. In practice, most judges are retained.

State Supreme Court Judges would be elected for six year terms, as would appeals judges. Judges could not be elected for more than two terms. Associate circuit judges would be elected for four year terms.

Elections for the offices of Judge of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals would be partisan elections. Parties would nominate candidates for judge in the same manner that they would other statewide officeholders. 

Prospective judicial candidates could announce their views on disputed legal or political issues; however, judges could not promise to render specific rulings or decisions on pending litigation. Judicial candidates could solicit, receive, and make campaign contributions like any other candidate for office.

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