Friday, September 23, 2022

Editorial -- Nancy Pelosi for President?

Once again, Nancy Pelosi is acting like she is the President and not Joe Biden. It’s bad enough that we are shelling out billions of dollars to prop up a war in Ukraine that likely will find no winners, against a nuclear power. It’s bad enough that we’re on the brink of war against three other powers in China, North Korea, and Iran, two of which are nuclear powers and the other is a potential nuclear power. It’s bad enough that Speaker Pelosi is throwing gas on the conflict with China with her visit to Taiwan, a move obviously calculated to lure China into a premature strike there which would turn into another protracted war.

When she first ran for Congress and then House Leadership, she presented herself as somehow who was not like those other Democrats who caved into George Bush on anything and everything. She was against the Iraq War, and she would make history by being the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House.

But people are judged by the content of their character and not their gender or the color of their skin. And Speaker Pelosi’s true colors have shown since the start of the “Special Military Operation.” 

Not content with throwing gas on the fire with China, Speaker Pelosi is now throwing gas on the fire in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, demanding that the US inject itself into the conflict on the side of Armenia. She made a recent trip to the latter country to beg for the US to escalate the skirmishing there into a war, with the US fueling Armenia. 

If the President of Russia’s recent actions reveal a desperation to reverse the results of the Ukraine counter-offensive, the Speaker of the House’s actions reveal a desperation to prop up the US as the world’s policeman, calling for actions that are sure to drive up inflation, upend supply chains, drive up gas prices, and increase the risk of World War III.

What makes Speaker Pelosi’s actions even more disingenuous is the fact that the US is already funding Azerbaijan militarily. So her actions have only served to expose the two party duopoly for what it is – totally devoid of principle and totally dependent on the Military Industrial Complex. 

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