Thursday, September 8, 2022

Editorial -- Joe Biden Printing More Money for Ukraine

On Thursday, the US Department of Defense announced that the US would send $675 million worth of guns and bombs to Ukraine. In the meantime, the President is expected to ask for $11.7 billion more in military assistance. As usual, the President offers no way to pay for it. He expects us to make all the sacrifices for it so that he can continue his policy of sticking it to the Russians.

Meanwhile, fertilizer costs continue to spiral out of control. Our roads and bridges are crumbling. Our rural population continues to decline. Paradoxically, the more our rural population continues to decline, the more and more dependent we become on the likes of Russia and China. Which is exactly what Joe Biden wants. The more that Russia and China act belligerently towards Ukraine and Taiwan respectively, the more than Joe Biden can use it to feed the gravy train of the Military Industrial Complex that President Dwight Eisenhower tried to warn us about. In turn, the Russians and Chinese can use the threat of US aggression to keep their citizens in line.

Not only is Joe Biden’s policy of sticking it to the Russians failing to achieve peace, it is actually raising tensions with Russia and encouraging Russian aggression. For instance, the Polish Defense Minister, Marcin Ociepa, told the Polish newspaper DGP that there is now a serious risk of war with Russia, possibly within 3 to 10 years. Latvia is considering banning Russian language instruction in its schools, which shows that this is not just an effort to stop Putin’s aggression, but a war against the Russian people as well; we could cite many more examples. Since President Putin casts himself as the big brother protector of ethnic Russians around the globe, this is the sort of move that would encourage him to make more trouble in Eastern Europe. So much for Joe Biden’s claim that his efforts to stick it to the Russians are all about human rights.

When you find yourself to the right of people like Tayyip Erdogan, the dictator of Turkey, you need to think long and hard about what you believe and why. Speaking to Turkey’s Anadolu Agency, President Erdogan said, “I can clearly say that I do not find the attitude of the West towards Russia right. Because there is a West that follows a policy based on provocation. I don’t have to name names, but there are several Western countries whose approach, we think, are incorrect.” 

The following is the sort of quote you would expect to see from people like Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, or any number of Democratic politicians. But no, again, this is from the President of Turkey: “There are no winners in a war like this, but I think there are a great number of losers. People are losing their lives, and there is also the financial cost.” It’s really interesting how Democrats who believed that George Bush was the Antichrist for leading us into war with Iraq are now silent when Joe Biden is doing the escalation. The problem is, too many Democrats are OK with wars when their side is doing it. It’s only when the other side is in charge when they suddenly start thinking about the loss of life and the financial cost.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who made the announcement that Joe Biden would be printing $675 billion more in weapons to Ukraine, pledged US help “over a long period of time.” How long? 10 years? That was the length of time we spent trying to prop up the government of South Vietnam. 20 years? That is how long we spent trying to prop up the government of Afghanistan. We have no idea when this will end, and the US is not even trying to find a way to end this conflict. So much for Joe Biden being more competent than the man he replaced.

President Joe Biden loves to talk about his “Rules Based International Order” and how Russia is now a pariah state. But Joe Biden’s escalation of the conflict is actually having the opposite effect. Far from splitting Russia and China, it is driving them into each other’s arms. Trade between the two is now expected to reach $200 billion. More and more Chinese companies are now openly declaring their intentions to do business in Russia. India, despite the US and its allies claiming veto power over its sovereignty, is stepping up purchases of Russian oil. Algeria is announcing new partnerships with Russia in startups, technology, and IT. Trade between those two countries doubled in 2021 and is up to $3 billion.

So we have another round of failed policies that is only making the world a less safe place. Joe Biden’s escalation in Ukraine is driving up prices, increasing the danger of nuclear war, creating more debt, alienating allies, and driving other countries into the arms of Russia. The US is no longer the world’s policeman. It is time to take care of our own people instead of trying to solve other countries’ problems.

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