Thursday, September 1, 2022

Editorial -- More About Classified Documents

Pam Martens, who publishes a blog that normally focuses on the misdeeds of Wall Street, herself handled classified documents and focused on former President Trump’s stash of top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago on September 1st. The name of her blog is, “Wall Street on Parade.  As part of the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, they showed a photo showing numerous top secret documents found during the raid that they submitted to the court. 

Martens wrote about the reaction of people who served in the military and who reacted on Twitter:

“Again, as a Veteran, w/a former top level security clearance, seeing TOP SECRET,SECRET, NOFORN, HCS, SI, documents laying on a closet floor, it is clear to me: Trump needs to be arrested NOW!”

“I had a TS/SCI clearance for 19 years and this photo absolutely sets me off. This is absolutely insane.”

“I had a security clearance when I was active duty. I was always so careful with what I talked about, with ensuring proper storage of documents because I cared about national security, even if my part was tiny. The thought of highest level secret docs being seen by ?? I’m livid!”

There were hundreds of other tweets like this.

She notes that in order to access classified documents, you have to pass multiple background checks. When you handle documents, if one paragraph in any manual is classified, then the whole manual becomes classified. A single typo in certain manuals can be grounds for immediate termination. 

When you first work in government, one of the first things you are told is that protecting national security is everybody’s business. Last week, we talked about some of the worst Presidents in US history. I would add someone else – Lyndon Johnson, who took classified documents related to his successor, Richard Nixon, when he left the White House. He created the precedent for Hillary Clinton to store classified emails on her computer. She, in turn, created the precedent for Donald Trump. 

Both Clinton and Trump are unfit for office. When she ran for the White House in 2016, we were told that she had already been vetted, and that there was no need to worry about things coming out about her. She was catastrophically wrong, and during the campaign, there was one thing after another about her. The same was true for Donald Trump. His taking of classified documents is just par for the course.

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