Sunday, February 10, 2019

Obituary -- Charles Stark

Charles E. Stark, former ABC Television executive, died at age 84 at his home in Lake St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. Stark served as head of quality control at ABC headquarters in New York City until his retirement in the 1990’s.

Charles was born in Grant City, Mo., where he graduated from eighth grade. He and the family moved to LaPlata, Mo., where he graduated from high school. After a hitch in the U.S. Army, he took courses at several colleges before moving to New York and enrolling in RCA Institute. He graduated with honors in 1964 and advanced in his career with ABC to head the department that controlled output and quality of the network signal.

After retirement, he returned to Missouri, living for a time near Grant City on the family farm of his wife, Ruth Jean Faubion, then moving to a home outside Cameron, Mo. After the death of his wife, he built a home and retired to Lake St. Louis.

The couple had one child, Judith, an attorney, now an instructor at the JSW School of Law in the nation of Bhutan, where she lives with her husband, Michael Peil, and two children, Lucy, age 11, and Tucker, 6.

Mr. Stark is also survived by his wife, Chen;  a brother, Joe Stark of Hebo, Oregon, and nephew, Jesse, of Sheridan, Mo. He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles Edwin Stark and Zelma Fletchall Stark.

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