Monday, May 16, 2016

Two Worth County People Plead Guilty to DWI

Two Worth County people pleaded guilty in Associate Circuit Court to DWI. Dillon Schrock (19) pleaded guilty Monday and was fined $200 and given a 60 day suspended sentence. Schrock cannot possess or consume alcohol, complete his SATOP by August 16th, and comply with all sanctions associated with the loss of his license. He must also pay $114.50 in court costs, $25 payment plan fee, a $48 highway patrol fee, and $96 in jail keep. Schrock must make payments of $40/month beginning July 1st.

Taylor Ridge (32) pleaded guilty to DWI Monday. He must serve two years probation, pay fines and court costs of $252.50. He must also successfully complete SATOP.

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