Monday, June 19, 2023

Worth County School Board Purchases New Football Lights

The Worth County School Board voted to award the football stadium light bid to Techline Sports Lighting at their regular meeting Wednesday. 

On April 29th, a set of three lights attached to one of the nine light poles at the football field fell and landed on the fence and track. The current lights are discontinued. Insurance stated they would give a $117,000 allowance to repair or replace the lights. United Electric will donate the demolition and disposal of the old lights. The goal is to get the lights done this summer so they will be ready in time for the fall football season.

The board received three bids. The first was from Techline Sports Lighting. It included 50 foot light poles, $124,000 for materials, $73,700 for installation and electrical, and a $5,000 discount for a total of $192,700. The district cost after insurance was $77,700.

Musco Lighting submitted a bid for 40 foot light poles; a 50 foot pole would have been $32,000 extra. Materials were $198,000 with installation and electrical $62,000. Total cost was $260,000 with the district cost after insurance being $145,000.

Jeanne’s Distribution bid $16,798.80 to replace the current lights with LED. However, no labor or wiring was included.

The district transferred $199,722 from fund 1 to fund 4 and will be able to transfer a similar amount this year. There will be around $500,000 in fund 4 after summer expenses and fund transfers.

The board approved Charlie Bliley as a substitute bus driver.

School lunch meal prices were raised for the upcoming school year. Lunch prices will increase by 35 cents and breakfast prices by 25 cents. Lunch prices had only increased by 10 cents since 2020 due to free lunches in 20-21 and 21-22.

The district facilities were rated as “Above Average.” Strengths included dedicated personnel who take pride in the buildings’ upkeep, new carpet in some high school offices, concrete and new bleachers at the softball field, painting and refurbishing the high school lockers, repairs on the ag roof, renovation of the high school workroom and teacher restrooms, improved drainage at the football field, roadway safety grant signage, ag building exterior renovation and heating, upcoming work painting the metal siding and bus barn, asphalt maintenance and construction, and air purifiers in every room provided by the Missouri Department of Health; library security and door lock installed, and an updated buzzer system for the high school secretary.

Concerns listed included maintenance of the HVAC systems, the need to replace the asphalt pad northwest of the elementary, drainage between the ag building and school, the need for an enclosed walkway between the ag building and school, sewer drainage on the south side of the school, the need to replace the high school guttering, and lighting at the football and softball fields. After this evaluation was written, the board voted to replace the lighting at the football field.

Recommendations included appointing a committee to evaluate the facility master plan to include the items listed above, as well as other items. Other recommendations include that the district prioritize facility needs and formulate a long range plan to guide discussions around a possible no tax increase bond issue in April 2024.

The board voted to declare various items as surplus and is seeking bids. Bids are due no later than 3 pm on July 13th. Bidders should list the items by lot number and the amount they are willing to pay. The bidder should write their name, address, and phone number on the outside of the envelope along with, “SURPLUS PROPERTY BIDS.” Bids should be delivered or mailed to the school office.

Items listed include a scrap bus, a 2,100 field barrel, nine video cameras and digital cameras, three photo scanners, 25 Chromebooks (updates expired), seven laptops, 11 desktop computers, 1 projector, and four typewriters.

The district was awarded funds from a grant to pay for summer school for this year. The board voted to pay teachers Megan Humphrey, Jamie Stalder, Leena Hightshoe, and Rachel Lane $1,680, Summer School Administrator Josh Smith $2,500, paraprofessionals Malori Moellenberndt and Jamie Degase $1,000, elementary secretaries Anita McClellan and Amanda Campbell $750, cooks Peggy Richardson and Carissa Snead $1,420, and bus drivers Ann Adams, Dale Healy, Loren Jackson, and Jeannie Fletcher $952. 

The annual bus inspection report came back for the school. All of Worth County’s buses were approved by the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

The board voted to transfer up to $162,326 from fund 1 to fund 4 for the purpose of capital improvements and/or bus purchases. The board voted to transfer an additional $37,119 from fund 1 to fund 4 in accordance with the Transportation Calculated Cost Transfer. The board voted to zero out the Fund 2 account, which is used to pay teachers.

The board approved the budget for the upcoming school year. Enrollment is expected to be 275, with average daily attendance at 256. This year, the elementary is expected to serve 158 students. There are nine full time classroom teachers and school wide Title 1 service. Two full time teachers and one part time teacher supports the Title programs. There is special education support for the elementary, with one full time teacher, one part time teacher, and three full time paraprofessionals. Part time teachers also help with elementary music, art, and PE. 

The junior high and high school are expected to serve 120 students. There are seven full time teachers and one part time teacher. There are three full time teachers offering career technical education courses in Business, Vo-Ag, and Consumer Science. High school art, music, and PE are provided by three part time teachers and two full time paraprofessionals, who work to support the high school special education program. There will be 10 students who will take courses at the Northwest Technical School. The district has one teacher supporting the Missouri Options Program, which works with students who are a year behind academically.

The third grade will continue to require additional support. There will be two sections of kindergarten and two sections of first graders due to high numbers in those grades. There will be three staff members new to the district, two teachers and one paraprofessional. The school is still trying to full 1.5 bus driver positions.

The 2023-24 budget will reflect a 3.1% increase in salaries and benefits from last year. The district will continue to contribute $500 a month towards employees’ district health care plans. Health insurance is offered to all employees who work 20 hours or more a month. Employees get a $15,000 life insurance police, paid for by the school.

The projected beginning balance for all funds beginning on July 1st is $3,026,033. The projected revenues are expected to be $4,428,947, with expenses at $4,600,662. The projected ending balance for June 30th, 2024 is $2,854,318. The school typically presents a worst-case scenario budget each year.

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