Saturday, August 13, 2022

Partnership Library Marks 20th Anniversary

It’s hard to believe but the Worth County Partnership Library just celebrated 20 years.  At the time when Craig McNeese approached the School Board with the idea, Linda Gray Smith was the Superintendent and Barry McClellan was the President of the Board.  In June of 2002, paperwork was signed to join the school and public libraries together.    

I began as the Public Librarian at the beginning of this year and I’ve had a busy few months in settling into the job.  After hearing some positive feedback from the community, I’m happy that we will be expanding some services.

Beginning September the 5th the Public Library will have a social hour every Thursday morning from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.  This will be a time for some laughter and coffee and maybe even a small breakfast snack.  During the school year the Elementary Library is crazy busy with the students checking out and returning books. The students are not in the library on this day so if desired volunteers can provide a helping hand for a few minutes to shelve these books. 

I’m excited to announce that starting in October through the month of April, the second Saturday of each month the Public Library will be open in the mornings.  During that time the Elementary Library section with have Story Time, the adult section will have a local author, and the vestibule will be used by different activity groups.  If you have a group like Girl Scouts selling cookies, let me know so I can get you scheduled in.

The Summer Reading Program was a success last June and the Public Library would like to continue the program so we are looking for some volunteers to make that happen.

Finally I’ve had a few requests for a Book Club, and I’m researching into the process of how to get the club going.

A new fun group is joining together to make all of this happen.  Come in and join our WoCo Library Friends!  

–Kandi Hughes, Librarian

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