Tuesday, July 2, 2019

1908 Albany Ledger – The Farmer’s Opinion

From the September 4th, 1908 edition of the Albany Ledger:
A farmer in speaking before an institute of his profession recently said:

“As a rule, a farmer knows no better friend than a country press. The home paper is distinctly the farmer’s own paper. It is supported directly by the farmers who compose the backbone of the printer’s subscription list and largely for him, the merchants advertise.

Now, brother, let us not forget our friends. Let us see that our subscriptions are paid before the first of June a year in advance. Another thing, the merchants who advertise are the ones who make it possible for us to get a good local paper and men or firms who are too penurious to advertise have to right to the farmer’s patronage.

I propose thereafter to go to a good, live advertiser instead of to those who propose to take all and give nothing in return. If the farmers, as a class, would support their friends, the other fellows would soon be out of business.”

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