Saturday, June 22, 2019

In 1904, Worth Widower Sought Eligible Lady

The pages of the 1978 Hopkins Journal posted regular history clippings from old newspapers in the area. Here is one.

In 1904, E.S. Heaton, a Civil War veteran out of Worth, took to the pages of the Albany Ledger to seek an eligible lady. It went viral and was reprinted in the Burlington Post in July of 1904. The solicitation read, in part:

“Here is a chance for some respectable, middle-aged, good-looking widow to secure a helpmeet.” 

Mr. Heaton wanted someone with a “neat bank account, real estate, and worldly goods.” He went on to write:

“E.S. Heaton is looking for such a wife. He was in Albany Tuesday, and made known his heart’s desire to his friends here. He has resided in the Worth neighborhood for 30 years, and owns a tract of good land and a bank account that would make the average person feel he would not need to work. He is ‘probably’ 60 years old, a veteran of the Civil War, and collects $12 pension a month. Aside from these worthy qualifications, he is goodhearted and affectionate and his neighbors can speak of his high character.”

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