Monday, April 28, 2008

Walk 1440 for April 30th, 2008

Do you remember the 3-A’s of your teenage years?
Acceptance…you just wanted to feel acceptance by people…especially your peers
Affirmation…you wanted to hear someone say they like you for who you are & what you are
Adjustment…life was a constant adjustment…a new hair style, clothing style, a complexion that changed overnight could ruin a life…if you don’t adjust you don’t fit in
I can recall as a teenage student feeling the pain of not having the 3-A’s…lying awake at night…groping out into the darkness of my room frustrated & sad…hoping to grab at least one of the A’s?
As we age…do you think we still have a tendency to reach out for the 3-A’s?
Have you noticed the 3-A’s have continued to follow you?
What do you do when you feel like you don’t have the 3-A’s?
Do you continue to grope out into your everyday life to grab acceptance…affirmation… your making constant adjustments…only to come up empty handed?
Listen to what a man wrote 2700 years ago… "At night my soul longs for You…indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently" Isaiah 26:9 NAS
…to put a face with the 3-A’s…we are seeking God
The writer of Isaiah 26 found the secret to the 3-A’s…listen carefully… "The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace…because he trusts in You" Isaiah 26:3 NAS
Our soul, our spirit will forever be restlessly seeking the 3-A’s…word to the wise…we won’t find the 3-A’s until we trust the right person…that right person is God
The writer suggests that we will have peace…a perfect peace…when our mind is steadfast on God…who does your mind dwell on?
Listen again to the writer…. "Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock." Isaiah 26:4 NAS
Friends, if you have no peace because people don’t accept you, people don’t affirm you & you’ve made adjustments to be like people only to feel empty handed…who are you trusting more…God or people?
The writer of Isaiah says God is an "everlasting Rock"…how many people do you know can last forever & be that strong, unmoving rock that gives you peace?
Reality check…people don’t last forever & people waiver, falter, change…so, why do we continue to trust people for our peace?
What would happen to your mind, even your life, if you seriously looked at what you do on a day to day basis & asked the question…"am I making adjustments in my life for people to accept me, to affirm me…am I seeking peace of mind from people?"
Look again…what happened to the writer of Isaiah in his mind, in his life, when he chose to trust God more than people…?
There are 1440 minutes in a day...WALK1440 seeking the 3-A’s of God for peace of mind

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