Decorated trees are traditionally used at Christmas time to celebrate the Christmas holidays but at the Worth County Court House there is a new tradition in the workings. If you have had reason to be in the courthouse you will have seen the tree with decorations for other holidays. This tree has been a conversation piece since the people who work in the courthouse started working on it.
The tree was a gift from Linda Brown who won it in a drawing and since it was too large for her home, she donated it to the County for the courthouse Christmas tree. After Christmas the storage space that was being used was being considered for restoration so there was no place to put the tree. The employees in the courthouse decided to make a Holiday Tree. They thought of what holidays would be coming up and went to work on getting decorations which were their own or were donated. Sunday School classes have had children make some of the decorations and other county residents have provided some of them.
After Christmas the tree was decorated for Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter. Plans are being made to decorate for April Showers. Courthouse workers do the decorating in their spare time. Some people think it is foolish to be spending time on this project but others think it is a nice addition to the courthouse. I for one walked around the tree and looked at the Easter Decorations and thought the childrens’ work on the paper eggs and ducks and rabbits were really cute. The courthouse workers should be applauded for bringing some holiday spirit into the courthouse all year long and not just on day a year.
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