Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jack Remembers -- Governor Hearnes' Inauguration

Governor Warren Hearnes’ Inauguration in 1965 mirrored a national Presidential Inauguration. It was the most elaborate and colorful the state had ever seen or would see in the future.

Hearnes had challenged the establishment who had controlled the Governor’s office for years and when he won the election, suddenly the outsiders in state government were the insiders and we wanted everyone to know it. Hearnes appointed at least two Honorary Colonels from every county. We were fitted and paid $180.00, which was a lot of money back then, for our uniform. It was quite an honor. (To see mine, log on to the Bio section of

I was able to hobnob with other Colonels including Pat Jones, owner of an insurance company who confided in me he was worried about what his son was going to do when he graduated from college that spring. His son, Jerry, now owns the Dallas Cowboys. Honorary Colonel Bill McCaskill, who would be the new Insurance Commissioner, had an eleven year old daughter that is now a U.S. Senator.

The Colonels led the parade through Jefferson City, the Governor was sworn in at high noon, then there were three Inaugural Balls that night. The one in the Rotunda of the Capitol was where the Colonels with their ladies promenaded down the spiral staircase in front of the state officials who besides Warren and Betty included Tom Eagleton, Lt. Governor, Jim Kirkpatrick, Secretary of State, Haskel Holman, State Auditor, Mount Etna Morris, State Treasurer, and Norman Anderson, Attorney General.

The Colonels’ job was to participate in events during the Governor’s term in office. One day I received a letter wanting money for my share of the official painted portrait of the First Lady that would hang in the mansion. Woah! How much of this honor of being an Honorary Colonel can I afford?

Jack can be reached at PO Box 40, Oak Grove, MO 64075, or Visit

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