Thursday, July 15, 2021

Emergency COVID Order Signed for Gentry County Courts

On Thursday, Presiding Judge Roger Prokes signed the following emergency order for the Gentry County Court System:

–No public access will be allowed in court offices;

–All Court employees will wear masks, except while in their office and not dealing with the public;

–All members of the public, judiciary, and law enforcement in the courthouse for Court related business must wear a face mask, covering nose and mouth;

–All members of the public, judiciary, and law enforcement in the courthouse for Court related business will be subject to 6-foot social distancing, which will be vigorously enforced in the courtrooms and common areas;

–Any judge may require the public to be subject to having their temperature taken, and if it reads 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, will not be admitted or asked to leave.

The order only applies to the court system in Gentry County. It does not apply to the entire courthouse.

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