Sunday, June 19, 2016

Worth County Care & Rehab Still Exploring Options

The Worth County Care & Rehab Center is still looking at options for its facility. While the facility finished $60,000 in the black, counting tax revenues, cash flow is a major issue. The facility has had to dip into savings in order to make payroll as Medicare payments take two weeks to get there, assuming no errors. If there are errors, payments can take weeks or even months to come in. The facility has $270,000 in receivables, a number which will go down as they have made headway against aging accounts over the past year. The board authorized President Scott Houk to make inquiries into taking out a tax revenue anticipation loan in the event that savings are exhausted. It would be used to cover required expenses like payroll and then repaid when tax revenues come in on January. Back in the 1990's, the county took a similar step in order to avoid closing the courthouse doors. For longer-term loans, the facility would have to pass a bond issue.

There are currently 16 residents at the facility with one in the hospital; there were four inquiries, one Medicare Part A, and one adult daycare patient who comes in 3-5 times a week. One option looked at was using the north wing for independent living. If they did that, there would be a lot of startup costs; they would have to upgrade the restrooms and put up a concrete wall clear across the north wing. Employees could not access the independent living section of the facility. Another option was passing a tax levy; however, the facility found out that they are at their 35 cent ceiling and cannot go over that, unless there is precedent elsewhere.

There have been a lot of activities at the facility, including tap dancing, Memorial Day activities, Hungry Hippos, and gardening in the gazebo. Residents went on a fishing trip one day.

The facility is currently a three star facility. A few years ago, the Worth County Care & Rehab Center was a five-star facility; however, the people in charge of the rating changed how they evaluate facilities. Two other facilities in the area are two-star facilities.

The facility signed an agreement with Sterling Dental, who will come and perform dental services for residents.

Tiles were replaced in the shower area of the facility. There were more outpatient customers for the month.

The next meeting will be July 20th. The facility is looking for a new board member from the Smith or North Allen township area. The facility is taxpayer supported. Prospective board members who are interested can contact Administrator Bev Miller for details.

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